Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kalaloch Beach

I've been gone for a few days friends, and here's a shot of the view that I had from where we camped on the beach. This is South Beach, just 2 miles south of Kalaloch Lodge in the Olympic National Park. This is what we call "primitive camping," since there are no amenities such as showers, and water or power hook-ups. Here we just pull up to a spot in the open and set up camp.
My father-in-law "Corndog" had gone out last Thursday to meet up with some great folks that we camp with each year, and to secure a choice place to set up. As always, he scored with our favorite piece of land. I spend an entire year waiting to get back to this spot just to unwind and relax. This is my vacation place.
I usually ride every year and follow the family truckster. In years past, I've continued down the coast to the Sun and Surf Rally in Ocean Shores. This event is on the HOG calender, but other factions of the biker world have laid claim to the rally as their own. I've lost interest in this event since departing the "biker culture," and would rather cut firewood to keep the evening flame going to roast hotdogs.
It was literally in the last 30 minutes of packing the car that I decided that I would not ride this year. It wasn't feeling right, and I went with my gut feeling. I walked out the back door, picked up my gear and locked the scoot in the shop. I'm driving!
Ten miles into a 90 mile drive is where we first found rain. It didn't let up for 24 hours. This is rainforest country, and it doesn't just come down, it blows and mists and soaks everything. When the sun finally broke through the marine layer of clouds, it was absolutely beautiful. For about two hours we were in total "Beach Blanket Bingo" conditions. (Minus Frankie and Annette) Girls in short shorts, boogie boards, my kids and I splashing in the surf with "Papa," and the smell of burgers and dogs on the grill. Everything was perfect...until the wind came up.
For twelve hours the wind blew. I commented that I wasn't sure if my red face was from the sun, or from windburn. But boy-howdy did it blow. Three trailer awnings were damaged or destroyed, and tarps and tents were popping loose and flapping in the breeze. And I kid you not friends...I was having a ball! I really enjoyed everything that Mother Nature gave us on these days. It was never boring, and as I am trying to slow down to enjoy these moments, I feel like there were some real bonus moments to remember. This really was a great time to enjoy with my crew. And when the weather really puffed up a bit last night and sent folks for cover, I reached into my scooter gear and produced my M-65 Fishtail Parka, and kicked back and enjoyed the evening on the beach. After all, I'm on vacation.
Have fun,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice... Looks just like the beach that we found on Lake Superior. I could see camping there.

Maybe that's the next thing for Rose and I, after we finish the big wrench session. Scooter camping, baby!

Ride well,

5:40 PM  
Blogger Bill Sommers said...

Oh, it's worth it. Scooter camping is great, even if it's just an over-nighter.

I found that camping by the Pacific always brings a lot of moisture in the morning, so sleeping under the stars is a little wet, but overall the trip is always an adventure.

I'm hoping to get a camping/fishing trip in next month with Dreamcrusher on scooters. We'll see...

Have fun,

7:42 AM  

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