Tough, Rugged...Almost Military
When I posted the image of my Big Ruckus at the snowline a few days back, I had breezed over the image shown above, and after going back and having another look, realized what an almost military look this tough little scooter has.
Being perpetually broke, I haven't had the cash means to buy the Kenda tires that would make this scoot an all-season ride. Rolling on the stock skins is the only way I can roll now, and come replacement time I'll upgrade to a more aggressive tread.
I have been taking a look at some vintage military Cushman's online lately. I have a chance to buy one, but as I stated in the previous paragraph, I am strapped for cash. So, now I have to get creative in finding a way to afford all of these little things in life that I want, but cannot reach. Maybe my Federal gift of income to stimulate the economy can be wisely used to put me on an ex-military Cushman scooter. If nothing else, it will be "stimulating."
But its the rugged, tough, utility look that the military scooters had, that has got my interest now. That with the fact that being Winter, I have a little time in the evenings to research things like this, and finding that picture of my Big Ruckus from last week, I realize that my scooter has the same "rugged, tough, utility look that I am so excited about. Now if I only had those darn Kenda tires!
Have fun,
Being perpetually broke, I haven't had the cash means to buy the Kenda tires that would make this scoot an all-season ride. Rolling on the stock skins is the only way I can roll now, and come replacement time I'll upgrade to a more aggressive tread.
I have been taking a look at some vintage military Cushman's online lately. I have a chance to buy one, but as I stated in the previous paragraph, I am strapped for cash. So, now I have to get creative in finding a way to afford all of these little things in life that I want, but cannot reach. Maybe my Federal gift of income to stimulate the economy can be wisely used to put me on an ex-military Cushman scooter. If nothing else, it will be "stimulating."
But its the rugged, tough, utility look that the military scooters had, that has got my interest now. That with the fact that being Winter, I have a little time in the evenings to research things like this, and finding that picture of my Big Ruckus from last week, I realize that my scooter has the same "rugged, tough, utility look that I am so excited about. Now if I only had those darn Kenda tires!
Have fun,