A few years back I rode with a "social" club by the name of "Dirty Bastards." It was an AMA sanctioned one-piece patch club with a handful of dedicated members. Times changed and so did the club, and the time for this bastard to move on came too. All for the good, as the social club disbanded in the months after my departure.
I did think that it was a cool name though, and missed the association with some of the original members. I have remained friends with most of the guys from the early days,and we run into each other now and then, and the feeling is always good. There was something about being a "Bastard" that I liked though.
It was that name then, that caught my eye when I was hanging out at Dave Mangano's site that had me looking into the "Royal Bastards Scooter Club" website.
It didn't take me a long time to get a good feeling from the way the club presented itself on the site, and I started getting hooked on the idea of wanting to join. Membership interest is encouraged, and I took the idea to my pal JayBee before looking into it further.
Even though we were getting a handle on the idea of being a looseknit band of "Geezers," there was a brighter spark of interest in the idea of becoming members of an established club. I took the genuine excitement that JayBee and Mod Kevin displayed at becoming potential Bastards and ran with it.
I e-mailed "Zippy" Bastard in Seattle to provide us with information about whether or not we could be considered for membership. I was impressed with the prompt reply from Sarah, and was encouraged to contact Lucky from Sacramento about what to do next.
Sarah, aka Zippy, is a "Lone Wolf" in the Seattle area, and she will at this point be the person to make the decision as to if we can, or cannot become members. After some back and forth e-mailing to Lucky, we received a positive vote from the "Ten" in California, and we'll now need to make contact with Sarah to receive her thumbs-up for membership.
I spoke with both Mod Kevin and JayBee yesterday, and we're all pretty excited about this chance to "patch up" with the Royal Bastards." We look at it as a chance to further promote scootering in our area as members of the Royal Bastards, and an opportunity to support the Seattle members as well.
Now we wait to hear from Zippy before we take the next step. Hopefully next time I post, I'll have some news to share.
Have fun,