Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Twas The Day After Christmas

Well...it's over. Christmas has come and gone, and we're less than a week from turning the calendar to a new year. And I have this week off from work to relax and think about it.

This Christmas was great. We spent some time with my folks, then Dena's parents and family, and just enjoyed the day. My kids are at that perfect age where everything is magic. They believe that Santa is real, and thats cool by me. The "Christmas Story" movie played almost non-stop, and my boys became Ralphie and Randy, quoting lines from the film for two days. I even donned an old wool sweater to fit in.

My little girl Joelle is almost 2 years old. It was wonderful to see her reaction to the mountain of gifts that Santa had brought and to watch her figure out how to unwrap gifts by watching her brothers. Even though they employ the "rip and toss" method, only to go back later to be surprised again at what they got, because they didn't look while they were shredding paper in a fevered frenzy. Right now they are discovering the marvels of the "whoopy cushion". Funny how a 59 cent item can keep them amused for this long. Or myself for that matter.

As far as riding my scooter goes, I'm still dealing with weather that has remained bleak lately. Rain, wind, cold, repeat. And even though I'm going to get wet, one of my goals for this week is to get out and ride, and get some photos of our new store project that is now in steel framing. You can follow the progress by going to www.hartnagels.com and check out the daily photo updates. I hope to post some here tomorrow.

I'd also like to get in a little highway time and check some of the outlying areas that were hit hard by the recent windstorm. And try out the new mittens that my Mother in-law gave me as a gift. They are tagged "Bec-Tech", and are breathable and waterproof. They feature 40 gram Thinsulate and have an adjustable gauntlet over-sleeve. And...these are only to hold me over till the "nice ones" get here that are on back-order. Geez, I think these are pretty darn nice.

If I catch a break in the monsoon marathon, I'll take a spin on my Vespa. It needs some attention, but it's hard to talk myself into riding it in the wet road crud that seems to stick to everything these days. Even though Mule is a new ride compared, I bought it to ride in this slop. It'll get a real bath and a once over this weekend.

But first, I'll get back to helping build model cars, figuring out puzzles and remotes, and brushing the hair on Joelle's "My Little Pony". And just hanging out with my little family for a few days. That and convincing my wife that the big loud noise was the Whoopy Cushion, and not me for a change.

Have fun,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to see things getting back to normal for you, Bill. We've got some sloppy weather coming too, and if it freezes on the road, it looks like I'll be driving. Scarlet doesn't like ice skating...

Ride well,

2:26 PM  
Blogger Bill Sommers said...

Driving has become an option of choice lately. I'll still ride as often as possible, but when the conditions are garbage, I'll drive.

Both ends of my work day are peak times for traffic, and I don't want to be piledriven by some j-hole in a cage on an icy street.

Have fun,

1:23 PM  

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